Sasaki kojiro shuumatsu no valkyrie
Sasaki kojiro shuumatsu no valkyrie

He can even bring Naruto or sakura back with the hell path.Īnd anyone saying sasuke cant use these abilities are borderline wrong. Even if you ssud he did make eye contact, he cant make eye contact with 9 people at once) and sealing like planetary devestation. (He put the 9 tailed beast under genjutus just by glancing at there direction. Sasuke being able to take there energy, rip there soul out, can use universal pull to make them uncordinated, genjutus without having to even look at them. Especially since the Naruto team has some hax too like Naruto being able to give his teammates cloaks, being able to turn them into stone by pouring his nature chakra into them. Unless the shuumatsu team has some hax then i cant see them winning. Sasuke can keep sakura safe with susanoo and Naruto can with his cloak and she can heal sasuke if he gets hurt. Naruto and Sasuke should take this rather easily with sakura just being support.

sasaki kojiro shuumatsu no valkyrie

In terms of AP and stats, he should get destroyed. Sasuke losing to sasaki in terms of skills is iffy when you have sasuke fighting gods with ONE ARM and not even breaking a sweat. And this is without mention that Naruto can make thousands of clones which have been shown and proved to be barely weaker than the original and he has also shown that he can nake clones of his kurama avatar state. I could actually make the argument that nerfed Naruto and Sasuke should be way faster than adam and zeus just from simple power scaling. Sasuke was also weakened from travelling through dimensions and he was assisting in the ragdolling. He also absorbs chakra from the 8 tails and absorbs tons of Narutos chakra before the fight starts (remember chakra=stats so all this is going to his speed) and Naruto is STILL able to keep up with him IN BASE before later absolutely RAGDOLLING him while still weakened from getting his chakra sucked out. Even from the one he was in which was shown to have dozens of stars as well as a nebula. In the canon boruto novie novelization, momoshiki takes chakra from multiple dimensions whole. Chakra was also stated 3 times once bu the sage and even in the databook i think to be half spiritual and half PHYSICAL energy. Sasuke said kaguyas chakra was on a whole nother level in the context that she was stronger than him and we find out she infact was stronger than him (way stronger than him) and had WAY more chakra than him. Reasons why there boruto counterparts dust there shippiden counterparts is because chakra=stats. Hokage Naruto and Adult Sasuke would completely OWN there EOS selves in stats and sasuke even more so because he can increase his speed via lightning chakra like he did against kinshiki and fused momoshiki. So EOS Naruto and Sasuke were already faster than light and they should actually be even harder to tag since naruto has danger sensing, emotion sensing and field awareness while sasuke has the sharinagn which literally helps you against people who are fast than you so long is the gap isnt extreme. Sasuke scales to EOS Naruto and was able to keep up with him. If he can dodge lightspeed attacks via senseing then he'll just do the same in vs battles against his opponnets. The same Naruto that dodged the light fang at point blank. Naruto speed blitzing and cutting kaguyas arm off who was fast enough to tag Naruto multiple times. Adam and zeus speed is pretty crazy but it definitely shouldnt make Naruto and Sasuke at least seen like statues.

Sasaki kojiro shuumatsu no valkyrie